Ready to become a Q3 farmer?
Because dairy farmers have uncompromising standards and strive for the best milk possible, Q3 was created.
More advanced than you current TTR, Dairy Cheq Q3 has an easy-to-navigate touch screen and enhanced features that will help you save time and money.
New enhanced Q3 software will enable producers to record and print CQM Deviation and Corrective Action Records along with their Alarm history.

The large, full colour touch screen gives you a clear snapshot of the milk management process currently being monitored. The green screen indicates "Milk in the Tank" and the system is properly functioning. A blue screen would indicate a tank or pipeline wash. A yellow or red screen alerts you to a potential problem.

When a mishap occurs, Dairy Cheq Q3 will clearly display warning information.

Ever fail to catch an alarm? Not anymore. You can receive information about warning and alarm situations - like forgetting to turn on the cooler- directly to your mobile device so you can catch a problem before it becomes an even bigger problem.

On screen graphics provide real time data – whether it be a driver pick-up report, wash report or alarm history - eliminating the need to download the information each time to your personal computer.

View information and retrieve data in graphical format.

Eliminate writing down and keeping track of your CQM notes. With Q3 you can directly input CQM information using the note screen so that your alarm history is never misplaced.